59 most pleasurable body parts

When it comes pleasuring the body, most people stop at the genitals. While it can be incredibly fun to stimulate the genitals, there are so many more places on your body that can provide you pleasure. Some of them have even been said to create more pleasurable sensations than what’s between your legs.

106 ways to please your body, mind and soul

The body’s ability to feel pleasure is so expansive I don’t think we’ll ever achieve full knowledge of its capabilities. Yet, even though we’ve discovered a lot of great things it can do and experience, few people explore for themselves. To help give you a few good ideas, I wanted to jump start your knowledge with an ever-expanding list of ways to please your body.

10 signs you have sexual anxiety

For most of my partnered sex, I’ve been plagued by a problem: a sudden rush of panic when other people initiate. For a long time, I hadn’t known what it was. Over time, though, it’s become clear that I’m suffering from pre-sex anxiety.

From my years of helping people have better sex, I know that many others suffer from the same problem. So, I wanted to offer up a few of the symptoms I’ve noticed to help you figure out if you’re dealing with the same problem.