106 ways to please your body, mind and soul

The body’s ability to feel pleasure is so expansive I don’t think we’ll ever achieve full knowledge of its capabilities. Yet, even though we’ve discovered a lot of great things it can do and experience, few people explore for themselves. To help give you a few good ideas, I wanted to jump start your knowledge with an ever-expanding list of ways to please your body.

10 signs you have sexual anxiety

For most of my partnered sex, I’ve been plagued by a problem: a sudden rush of panic when other people initiate. For a long time, I hadn’t known what it was. Over time, though, it’s become clear that I’m suffering from pre-sex anxiety.

From my years of helping people have better sex, I know that many others suffer from the same problem. So, I wanted to offer up a few of the symptoms I’ve noticed to help you figure out if you’re dealing with the same problem.

7 reasons slutty women are better in bed

Sexually empowered women often get a bad reputation. We’re labeled as easy, trashy, dirty, loose, full of STDs -- not someone you want to sleep with. Yet, we have no trouble finding partners who are more than happy to share a bed with us and keep coming back for more. The stereotypes you’ve heard are more than outdated and inaccurate -- they entirely negate the sexy benefits of freedom, confidence, and experience in the bedroom! Lose your fear of the sexually empowered woman: sleeping with a “slut” might just be your favorite sexual memory yet! Here are 7 reasons why.

How to react when your hookup says they’re on PrEP

Like many other people in the last couple of years, I started taking PrEP — the daily pill that lowers one’s risk of getting HIV. Since it’s a new drug, I’ve been keeping up with the news and controversy surrounding it, and there’s been a lot. Perhaps most troubling to me, though, is the rise of PrEP haters. So, I thought I’d give everyone a handy guide on how to react when your hookup tells you they’re on PrEP.