Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!

Safe sex is a bullshit lie

Safe sex is a bullshit lie

Safe sex is a bullshit lie propagated by a society that searches for the absolute in a world that’s very uncertain. In other words, we’re too scared to handle the truth.

The truth is, sex is risky.

Sex can be dangerous sometimes. You can catch about 11 different infections. Some of those infections can be life threatening.

Living is dangerous, too, though.

Eating is dangerous. Breathing is dangerous. Cheating on your jealous girlfriend is dangerous. Being a woman is a dangerous. Driving is dangerous.

Shit, we’d be here forever if I had to list off everything that poses a danger to our squishy, vulnerable bodies.

The truth of life is that danger exists. Most of the time, we accept this. In fact, people who fear life experiences like riding in cars are often shamed for being too fearful.

Sex is far more natural than driving in a machine powered by explosions. Also, rollover accidents in bed tend to result in bruised egos or laughter, not death.

The difference, though: We know more about cars than we do about our own bodies. Also, car companies have great PR, and sex doesn’t.

You won’t ever live a moment of your life in complete safety. You may feel safe, but who’s to say your house won’t explode? You may be a great driver, but if the lady driving the semi isn’t, well, you definitely aren’t safe, either. 

In life, we accept the fact that we will never live a single second in complete safety. So we do things to help decrease our chances of being killed. You know, things like seat belts, safety harnesses and non-slip shoes.

Oh, and also condoms, birth control, regular STI/STD tests, open communication, limiting the number of sex partners, safe words and limiting intoxication. They aren’t an impenetrable shield against everything negative that can come from sex, but they will help you be safer.  

7 easy sexual anxiety busting tips

7 easy sexual anxiety busting tips

Fifi penile masturbator review - Inexpensive, versatile, definitely worth a look #SexpertApproved

Fifi penile masturbator review - Inexpensive, versatile, definitely worth a look #SexpertApproved