All tagged stis

Everything you really need to know about sexually transmitted infections, diseases

Although STIs/STDs are the main focus of most sex education, most people have absolutely no idea about what they’re actually at risk of catching or about what they should worry.  How the hell can you make a smart decision about taking sexual risks if you’re unaware of the risks you’re accepting? So, today, I’ve got a gorgeous way to learn about each of the STIs/STDs you need to know about.

Once a month for about 3-5 days the floodgates of your uterus open up, expelling what seems like a never-ending flow of nastiness. Most people just plug it up with a tampon and go on about their day. Some people don’t ever give a second thought to their menstruation unless something is going wrong, but you really should. A period may mean the end of a sentence but it doesn’t have to be the end of your life. So, let’s take a new look at the great big world of menstruation.

Before we get to the meat of the discussion, we need to review and make sure we know what’s happening with your cooch.

This video is so fucking doom and gloom... but true. I REALLY wish they would dispel with all the "YOUR GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!" messages in these videos. Please know that the way these people are trying to get you to wrap it up is ridiculous. Even though I would have like more facts and less scare tactics what they are saying is true. Having HIV puts you at higher risk for all sorts of diseases. Also know that you don't die from AIDS. You die from some other disease that your compromised immune system can not fight off. Be aware, know your risks, choose to wrap it up. If you don't wrap it up, keep knowledgable about your status, inform your partners, and try to minimize the risks.

Keep it sexy.


Did you know that the months of August and September are the most common months for birth in the US? Those being the most common months for births would mean that December and January would be the most common months for conception. It makes sense as a huge portion of the United States is covered in snow from late October to until about March. For college students that means spending 6 months stuck in our dorm rooms with nothing to do but smoke a lot of weed and fuck… and study. (Some parents read this site.) Lots of sex = lots of oppurtunities to fuck up. Fuck ups = unplanned pregnancy and/or contraction of STIs. This is why, right now, y'all need to re-up on your safer sex knowledge.

Back off! Don't let people shame you into wearing condoms

 Education is your best option for protecting yourself. The things you learn may be scary but you shouldn’t shy away. The things you learn may confidence building but you shouldn’t be arrogant. STIs are not prejudiced, they do not care who you are. Their mission in life is to procreate and your uninfected tender nubile body is prime real estate for them.