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Admittedly, complimenting women can be a dicey proposition. While every woman wants to know that you find her attractive, complimenting her on the wrong physical attribute could mean going home alone at the end of the night. Luckily dating website Badoo has levied their data from 107 million registered users to give you the best chance of making a successful first impression.

#6 Women love being complimented on their hair, especially if they are of Spanish, or Latin blood. It is very innocuous and shows attention to detail. Stay away from asking if it’s a weave, or if it’s colored. The idea is to compliment without being accusatory. Talk about how soft it is, how good it smells, how the color compliments her skin & eyes, and how well it flows.

#5 Women from Australia, America or Brazil like being complimented on their clothing. I doubt they want you to tell them how hot their ass looks in their jeans. However, compliment them on how the color matches their skin or how original their style of dress is will be most effective. Women like to know that they are different or have something special about them that you have noticed.

#4 Legs are every girl’s go to weapon, so a compliment there could never go wrong. British women are particularly favorable to those compliments. That would make since when you look at British celebrities they are often in short shorts and skirts, much more often then American celebrities. Again, here you want to say things like soft, smooth, long, firm, and plump.

#3 Odd though it may seem, many women enjoy being complimented on their ears and earrings. Women put a lot of work into choosing the right baubles to hang on their ears in order to accentuate their faces and neck lines, complimenting their hard work will pay off.