Sex is the key to everything! Since 2011, I’ve been bringing you the best in sex education. Let’s keep it running!


Full Name: Carlos 

Birth Year, DOB or Age Range: 30-39 years

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnic Origin: Hispanic

Nationality: Mexican

Hometown: Southern California

Location (address, city/state, or zip): Los Angeles, CA

What I do: Educator (school teacher, HIV/STD/STI, health, etc.), Sales associate at an adult novelty shop

Title: Educator / sales associate

Focus/Specialty: Preventive health education.

Elevator pitch: I've worked in reproductive health with an emphasis on risk reduction behaviors with teens and adults. I currently work as a sales associate in an adult novelty store providing customer service and education

Degrees, Licenses, Certifications: Positive sexuality and youth training, responding to young children's sexual questions and behaviors, reproductive health 101, creating welcoming and say spaces for our LGBT parents and their children

Real life experience: Worked in a clinic and provided 8 session presentations to teens in schools for 8 years

Awards/Acknowledgements: Paul Andrew warrior award 2011 (from the city of west Hollywood for HIV prevention efforts)

LinkedIn: Www.linkedin.com/pub/carlos-acuna/14/b04/b20

Vanessa Torres
